B i o g r a p h y
Born in 1961, Alun is a composer, pianist and experienced singer. Early lessons in singing and piano were followed by five years as a chorister at Rochester Cathedral. Further study at the King’s School Rochester was followed by three years at Nottingham University studying Latin and Archaeology with private music lessons continuing with Brenda May. Just less than three years were then spent working at the Tate Gallery in London followed by a further year of teacher training back in Nottingham University. The next 30 years were spent teaching at Eagle House, Wellington College, before he took early retirement to concentrate on the composing.
Alun has sung in choirs ranging from symphonic choruses to chamber choirs throughout his life, first as a treble, then a countertenor followed by tenor. In addition he has been known to take up the conductor’s baton when required to conduct a choir or orchestra and not only in his own works.
From the age of 14 onwards Alun has composed music of every genre except stage works. Whether it be for professionals, amateurs, children or friends he has written accessible but challenging works pushing the boundaries of modern tonalism as far as possible, not being afraid to use all the contemporary techniques available to today’s composers. Over the years his composing style has subtly changed but the influence of composers such as Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Tippett and Hoddinott is easily identified.
To obtain a free inspection copy of any piece, please contact the composer directly at alungrafton@aol.com
“Praeludium in tempore belli” op 65a was commended in the Oare International Composers’ Competition in 2003.
“Praeludium 2” op 53 was performed in the finalists’ concert for the London Chamber group’s Piece of the year competition in 2004
“Now Welcome Summer” op 19a was highly commended in the Vaughan Williams Memorial competition in 2008.
“Praeludium in tempore belli” op 65b was performed in the finalists' concert for the London Consort of Winds Composers' competition in 2020.