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"Songs of the Sea"  op 92 has finally been completed, after four years,  and is scored for SATB choir with some divisions accompanied by piano. The six poems by Christina Rossetti are all linked to the  theme of the sea and are "By the Sea", "The Horses of the Sea", "One Sea-side Grave", "Birchington Churchyard", " The Sea Laments" and "And there was no more Sea". The piece lasts about 35 minutes and a free inspection copy is available directly from the composer.


In addition to which the composer has produced a new edition of the "Chorale Prelude" op 56 for organ. The prelude is based around the hymn tune "Aberystwyth" . It is a short piece lasting under four minutes. 


​Score extracts  of many of the compositions are  available  under the composition menus. Any full score is available directly from the composer. ​​​​​​​​​​​



                                   Recent Performances​​


O Perfect Love op 60

17th June 2023. Camberley 


".. and the angels sing.."  op 90

21st October 2023.  Sandhurst


Now welcome Summer op 19

3rd April 2024, Waterloo, London.


"The Akathist" op 90a

29th September 2024, Sandhurst​​​


                            The Lord at first did Adam op 43

22nd December 2024, Otford, Kent.


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